You will come in to a recordings of "Looney Tunes!"
Our beginning of the rehearsal routine is always the same. Come in: check off your name on the sign in sheet, quietly take out your instrument and take your seat while listening to the recording. While you are walking in volunteers will be handing out copies of Looney Tunes, however PLEASE remember your music.
1) Discussion of results of student selected pieces poll. Student selected pieces begin next week.
2) Warm up and tune up (scales)
3) Listen to "Looney Toons"
4) Direct Instruction
5) Listen and assessment
6) Discussion of Assessment and problem areas
7) Sectionals
8) Run through, re-assessment
9) Rehearse trouble areas
10) Brain Break
11) During brain break Mr. A will hand out James Bond
12) Direct instruction on James Bond.
13) Closure.